Is the mango pickle healthy?

mango dry pickle

 Is the mango pickle healthy?

Mango pickle is one of the favorite recipes or condiments in Indian homes as it has acquired its tangy and spicy taste. It can be served with chapati, rice, or any simple meal, making food more exciting. However, one question that crops up often is: “Is mango dry pickle good for health?” Lets take a dive into it.
mango dry pickle

What is Mango Pickle?
Mango pickle or aam ka achar are pickles made from raw mangoes mixed up with spices, oil and salt. The commonly preferred spices include mustard seeds, turmeric, and fenugreek to make the preservation of pickle better by mixing up with oil. Mango dry pickles vary in style in different parts of India, though North Indian pickles generally seem spicier, whereas South Indian have a touch of sweetness. Amongst the versions, mango dry pickle is a popular version which uses less oil.

While mango dry pickle is an essential constituent of Indian diets, the sour and hot flavor suits almost every food item. However, being a flavorful addition to foods, there are numerous health implications for adding mango dry pickle to diets.

Health Benefits of Mango Pickle

mango dry pickle

A. Rich in Nutrients

Raw mango, with high vitamin C content, is one of the prime ingredients of mango dry pickle. This vitamin is crucial for upgrading the human immune system and giving people healthy skin. It is high in dietary fibre and directly regulates bowel movements to improve digestion. mango dry pickle also includes spices like mustard seeds, characterized by their ability to affect bacteria action, and fenugreek believed to stabilize blood sugar levels.Besides that, raw mango contains some antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the human body, and thus prevent any form of inflammation and promote the overall health of the body. Therefore, in moderate consumption, the mango dry pickle version inclusive can be a nutritional benefactor.

B. Aids Digestion
Mango pickle can aid digestion. The process of preparation for making pickles involves fermentation, which makes probiotics or friendly bacteria increase in the gut. The spices, fenugreek and asafoetida (hing), aid digestion so mango dry pickle is a great accompaniment to any meals with heavy or rich foods. mango dry pickle can also be less corrosive on the digestive system than its oily counterparts.

C. Boosts Immunity
Mango pickle has vitamin C, which is derived from the raw mango, and helps to support immunity. It prevents infection and gives protection against various diseases. Turmeric, in preparing the normal and mango dry pickle, also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help improve an improvement in the immunity system. Together, such ingredients may lead to health improvement in the consumers when taken in a well-balanced diet.

Is Mango Pickle Safe for Everyone?

  1. Moderation is Key
    Though mango dry pickle can be a health boon, it must be taken in moderation. The dry mango and the old variant of pickle have too much oil and salt content, which can cause problems if taken in excessive amounts.
  2. High Sodium Content
    As high sodium content is also found in mango dry pickle, it may become a concern for people who are suffering from hypertension or heart problems. People suffering from high blood pressure should have it in minimal intake or take homemade pickle brand like Organic Anand
  3. Spicy Ingredients

Also, mango dry pickle, most especially the spicy kind, can be irritating to some people’s stomachs. Strong spices can cause acid reflux or irritation in the stomach. If you have a sensitive stomach, take it in small portions or eat less spicy kinds of mango dry pickle.

How to Make Mango Pickle Healthier

You can, thus, relish mango dry pickle without having any adverse impacts on your health as long as you prepare it in your home with minimal salt and oil. mango dry pickle are amongst the best options as they use less amount of oil when still delivering excellent flavors. Use healthier oils such as mustard or olive oil. Furthermore, enjoy pickles in controlled portions to not overindulge.

Conclusion: Is Mango Pickle Good for Health?
Such health benefits like vitamin C and antioxidants will be bestowed upon one who takes mango pickle in moderate quantity, but mango dry pickle would probably only aid in digestion.  That will be perfectly safe if prepared with care and in  small quantities.

First best Homemade Mango Pickle is  made by ourselves at our Kitchen. Second best mango pickles  are Organic Anand Homemade mango pickles made with Love for our Customers.

Organic Anand Homemade Mango Pickles are made without using any Preservatives and using authentic ingredients. Handmade in small batches with Homemade Masala & traditional process

With organic Anand Homemade Mango Pickle  you take a step in the direction of a healthier, balanced life and enjoy the right mixture of taste and health gain Get this product today from this link:

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